The OpenRGB Effects Plugin provides an extensive list of custom effects that can be synchronized across all devices that support Direct Mode. Many standard effects are available such as Rainbow, Visor, Breathing, and more. Advanced effects include several audio visualizations, Ambilight, GIF player, and a Shader renderer for using GLSL shaders as RGB effects.

Note that the OpenRGB Effects Plugin only works with devices that have Direct mode. If your device does not have Direct mode, that means the hardware is unable to work with software-driven effects due to one of several limitations.

Release 0.9 (July 11, 2023)

The 0.9 release of the OpenRGB Effects Plugin is intended for use with the 0.9 release of OpenRGB.

Windows (64-bit) - Windows (32-bit)
Linux (Debian Buster 64-bit) - Linux (Debian Bullseye 64-bit) - Linux (Debian Bookworm 64-bit)
MacOS (Apple Silicon ARM64) - MacOS (Intel)

Pipeline (Experimental)

Pipeline builds are built from the latest source code and are updated regularly, but are less tested.
If you are using the pipeline version of OpenRGB, you may also need to use the pipeline version of plugins.

GitLab (Source)

Windows Pipeline Builds

Windows Installer (64-bit)
Windows (64-bit) - Windows (32-bit)

x86 Linux Pipeline Builds

Linux amd64 - Linux i386
Linux amd64 (Debian Bookworm .deb) - Linux i386 (Debian Bookworm .deb)

Arm Linux Pipeline Builds

Linux arm64 - Linux armhf
Linux arm64 (Debian Bookworm .deb) - Linux armhf (Debian Bookworm .deb)

MacOS Pipeline Builds

MacOS (Apple Silicon ARM64) - MacOS (Intel)

Release 0.8 (December 3, 2022)

The 0.8 release of the OpenRGB Effects Plugin is intended for use with the 0.8 release of OpenRGB.

Windows (64-bit) - Windows (32-bit)
Linux (64-bit) - Linux (32-bit)
MacOS (Apple Silicon ARM64) - MacOS (Intel)